The best $57 dollars and the most effective 57 minutes you will spend this year. The Physique 57 Technique is a fantastic alternative or addition to your current exercise regime that gets noticeable results in a short amount of time.
The Physique 57 three DVD series is worth every penny and will add a jolt of new movements into your exercise regime, waking up muscles you probably never knew existed.
Based on the Lotte Berk method (www.lotteberkmethod.net), Physique 57 creator Tanya Becker focuses on toning the accessory muscles using dance like movements. Using mostly your own body weight and minimal equipment; a chair, a playground ball, a mat and light weights, the method hits the entire body from unique, inventive angles with noticeable results.
The DVD set comes with a 57 minute full body workout, a 30 minute express full body workout and a 30 minute arm and ab booster. The method recommends performing the 57 minute workout three non-consecutive days per week and each of the 30 min workouts once per week.
Performed correctly, these incomparable movements will have your whole body shaking and sore. Ultimately, you will notice a leaner, tighter, smaller shape.
The arm and ab booster DVD starring the motivating and charismatic Shelley Knight is worth buying the set alone!
You can purchase the DVDs for $49.95 (plus S&H for a total of about $57)here:
Additionally you can experience the method in NYC at their studios:
Give Physique 57 a try and share your results!!
(photo from: physique57.com)
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