I recently had the opportunity to attend the Nevada State Cheerleading Competition in Carson City, NV.
I was super impressed with the athleticism of these often overlooked jocks positioned on the sidelines instead of center stage.
First of all, I must applaud these young women for performing feats of unimaginable strength, flexibility and power in a pair of spanx and mini skirt, with only the spring mat floor and their fellow athletes beneath them for safety.
Seriously... isn't it time we rethink what our cheerleaders are forced to wear? Perhaps if they wore spandex tights and protected themselves with pads, they would garner the respect they deserve? But, I digress ...
As I watched these fit, lean, sinewy, powerful bodies I started to think that they might be on to something with their training regimen.
So I started researching Cheerleading workout programs and was blown away by what is demanded of these athletes.
Below is an exerpt from a complete workout I found at
www3.malone.edu Click on the link below to see the program in full.
(image from: istockphoto.com)Malone College Cheerleading Workout Plan (
www3.malone.edu/.../Malone_University_Cheerleading_Workout_Plan.pdf )
PHASE 3: “GAME- SEASON” (September 1, 2008 – January 1, 2009)
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the “game-season” phase is to “strengthen the
foundation” that was established during the “off-season” phase. Athletes will focus on
increasing their strength and stamina through cardio and weight training work outs with
their team. Cheerleaders will continue their cardio workouts 3-4 times a week either at
practices or independently. The mile run will be timed intermittently throughout this
phase. Strength training will focus on the major muscle groups used in stunting, jumping,
and tumbling. Athletes will continue with their “core” strengthening workouts and focus
on areas that need to be rehabilitated or that may be prone to injury. Flexibility exercises
will be added as a final component.
1. Increase challenge of your cardio workouts by running timed mile & doing interval
2. Gain strength in areas specific to the sport by using medium-heavier weights.
3. Incorporate Plyometric Exercises (November/December)
4. Maintain Core Muscle Fitness by exercising abdominal muscles 3-4 per week.
5. Rehabilitate existing injuries or weaker injury prone areas
6. INCREASE Flexibility by stretching EVERY DAY!
NOTE: by the end of this phase flyers should have a perfect heel stretch on both sides and
both bases and flyers should have the splits on both sides, and have a flexible straddle sit.
Phase 3 uses exercises that require using “medium to heavy” weights in order to build
strength. Athletes will be introduced to all exercises before being asked to perform them.
It is recommended that athletes use a spotter when attempting to lift heavier weights. It is
also strongly recommended that athletes spend 1-2 weeks performing these exercises
with “light to medium” weights to make sure their body is responding to the positions
without causing joint or tendon pain.
Once you have introduced your muscles to weight training using light to medium weights
you may change to medium/heavier weights. Use your judgment and challenge yourself
but do not lift weights that are “too heavy”. A gradual increase of weight is the safest way
to learn your bodies’ response to weight training.
PHASE 3: “GAME SEASON” WORK OUT PLAN: Cheerleaders should print a copy to keep as part of their personal
journal. Use the check sheet to mark off your accomplishments each day and note any questions, suggestions, issues at
the end of the week.
ATHLETES NAME: ________________________ _ BUDDY: ___________________________WEEK OF: ___________
Activity Repetitions Sets/Frequency Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Other
Cardio: ex. Jog, Run, Elliptical, etc. 1 mile < 12 minutes 3-4x per week N/A N/A N/A
Squats (free weights or leg press) 10-15 3x
Leg Extensions (Machine) 10-15 3x
Calf Raises (Dumbbells or leg press) 25 3x
Walking Lunges 25-30 3x
Plyometrics 20 3x
Hip Flexors 15 each leg & both 3x
Abs – choice of 3-5 different exercises 30 3x
Activity Repetitions Sets/Frequency Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Other
Cardio: ex. Jog, Run, Elliptical, etc. 30 minutes 3-4x per week N/A N/A N/A
Bench Press 10-15 3x
Overhead Press (free weights) 10-15 3x
Triceps (free weights) 10-15 3x
Front Raises (free weights) 10-15 3x
Biceps (free weights) 10-15 3x
Arm Circles (forward and back) 50 each way 3x
Push Ups 30 3x
Crunches, bicycles, v-ups, R/L planks 30, 30, 15, 30 seconds 3x
Activity Repetitions Sets/Frequency Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Other
Cardio: ex. Jog, Run, Elliptical, etc. 1 mile < 12 minutes 3-4x per week N/A N/A N/A
Squat and Overhead Press Combo 15 3x
Calf Raise and Front Raise Combo 15 3x
Lunges and Bicep Combo 15 3x
Squat, Thrust, Push-up, Jump 15 1x
Handstand Pushups (wall) 15 3x
Push Ups 30 3x
Crunches, bicycles, v-ups, R/L planks 30, 30, 15, 30 seconds 3x
(photo from: istockphoto.com)