My dear friend and Ayurvedic Practitioner, Shanalee Gallagher recently completed a ten day Vipassana Meditation course.
It consisted of ten days of silence, meditation, two vegan, gluten free meals a day and a ton of self realization.
One of the huge themes and lessons she took from this retreat was how The Law of Impermanence applies to life.
The Law of Impermanence is one of the three Universal Laws that the Buddha taught and states that all phenomena are subject to constant change, to rise and fall, and no permanent states, either physical or animate, exists.
This law can be applied in so many ways, giving so many lessons, ultimately bringing a peace that definitely influences feeling and looking damn good!
For me, this law is a reminder to not constantly try to manipulate my circumstances and rather to let things be so that things can just change naturally.
It is also thematic of non-attachment whether to the physical or emotional.
So what if you can't do headstand in yoga class yet ... that will eventually change.
Who cares if you are developing crows feet around your eyes, that is a beautiful marker of time passage, wisdom and your body changing.
Why worry if you didn't get that job you thought you really wanted; know that things are constantly changing and something else will come your way.
I am finding great comfort, resolve and perseverance within this Law.
Apply The Law of Impermanence to your life and watch the damn goodness follow.
(image from: dreamstime.com)
When you asked if I practiced with Noah, were you referring to Noah Levine, author of Dharma Punx?