This exercise is not really for the rear end as the name suggests.
Instead, it is an exercise where clearing your bum from the ground is essential to develop upper body and core strength.
Do this exercise progressively in combination with a clean diet and you will have more sculpted shoulders, flatter abs and a stronger core.
1. Sit on the floor with legs together, extended out in front of you with feet flexed. Place your hands next to your hips with fingers pointing towards toes. This is called "dandasana" or staff pose in yoga.
2. From here pull your belly button into your spine. Depress your shoulders and make firm contact into the ground with your hands. Using your upper body and lower abs - lift your seat ONLY off the floor. Lower with control. This is progression one. Build to repeating up to 10 reps for as many as 3 sets.
3. When lifting your bottom is easy ... progress to lifting the entire lower body off the floor. To do this, depress your shoulders and make firm contact into the ground with your hands. Using your upper body and lower abs lift your seat and then bring your chest slightly forward toward the floor. Continue tightening the core to lift the legs. Lower with control. Don't worry if nothing happens at first. Just keep working with the movement, strengthening the muscles and eventually you will be able to press your lower body up off the floor. Build to 10 reps for up to 3 sets.
(image from a2zyoga.com)
I have been doing my homework! :)