I'm not really sure where this fits into this blog, but seeing a child's reaction after you gift them a Zhu Zhu Pet is sure to make you feel damn good.
I unknowingly purchased one of this zip zoomy critters for my five year old sister. By unknowingly, I mean I had no idea that every person in the universe under 10 years old knows what these things are.
I had to stop into Walgreens to pick something up while on a visit with the baby sis. She begged me, "Oh Lindsay, please buy me SOMETHING while you are in there."
Feeling generous, and unable to say no to her lispy "s's" and raspy kid voice, I agreed.
But, WHAT to buy ... candy?? No - I'm a health nut. Lipgloss?? Eh ... I don't like to encourage a cosmetics addiction this early ... Oh ... now what is this I spy? A motorized hamster?? Adorable. I'll take one.
I brought the cardboard boxed pet to her anticipatory little hands and she squealed with delight, "Oh, Oh, Oh ... A ZHU ZHU pet!! I always wanted on of these!!"
Who knew??
Well, certainly not me.
The crudely furred faux pet runs on a battery, coos and chirps, spins and scurries all to the joy of rugrats around the globe.
At ten bucks per Zhu Zhu, this a great way to make a little one scream with glee and the big one who gifted it feel amazing.
The glow from giving a good gift ... now that looks damn good.
Learn more about Zhu Zhu pets here:
(image from: zhuzhupets.com)
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