This blog will be going on hiatus.
Please enjoy past entries until it resumes.
Until then ...
Look and Feel Damn Good!!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010

I've been using Zents Concreta perfume balm for years now.
You can use the solid fragrance as a perfume, a skin hydrator or as a hair pomade.
Wherever you deposit your chosen Zents fragrance ... it stays.
The aroma lingers for the entire day.
Uniquely packaged in a cube of solid stone, even with daily use, one Zents Concreta will last you forever.
I am highly addicted to "Sun."
Learn more and purchase here:
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I have gone through at least six watermelons in the past two weeks.
The sweet, juicy fruit is "mayjah" right now!
And super affordable ... I saw seedless melons here in the Midwest for just $2.99 each!
Whether you prefer wedges or chunks, these orbs pack a nutritional wallop. Watermelon contains more lycopene than even tomatoes!
Plus, munching on melon is a great way to hydrate due to it's high water content!
I prepare my watermelon LA Frutas style, by cutting off both ends and then using a large knife to slice away all the skin and rind. You are left with an elliptical of concentrated watermelon flesh, ready to be sliced and diced as you desire.
Try adding watermelon to salad, grilling it as a side dish or adding it to smoothies.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Boot Camp Workout

Be your own drill Sargent!
Try this work out outdoors at your local park!
Warm Up:
10 - 15 minutes laps around trees, parking lot ... distinguish a small loop to run.
Incorporate: jogging, jogging with punching forward and upwards, skipping, backwards jogging and dynamic stretches.
Circuit 3x:
Walking Lunges: 20 reps each leg
Box jumps onto picnic bench, tree stump or playground steps: 10 reps
Skater Jumps side to side: 20 reps each leg
Repeater Bench Step Ups: 20 on Right leg, 20 on left leg
Bench Dips: 20 reps
Planks or knee ins with feet on playground swing: hold plank for 30 seconds, 10 reps knee ins
Stretch for 15 min.
Rock it!
Monday, July 5, 2010

A couple of weeks ago, I finally saw the Jim Carrey movie, "Yes Man."
In the flick, Jim Carrey's character is a man stuck in his own cycle of negativity; a dead end job, no desire to socialize and no girlfriend.
He runs into an old buddy who introduces him to a self help program that entails saying "yes" to every opportunity.
Hysterics ensue as saying "yes" leads to a bevvy of absurdities and ultimately, positive changes in his life.
Why not try incorporating a little "Yes Man" into your life?
Maybe when your group exercise instructor demonstrates a new body weight exercise, instead of thinking to yourself that you can't possibly do it, just say, "Yes!" And give it a go!
Perhaps you are out to dinner with friends at an Ethiopian restaurant and a strange dish is placed in the middle of the table fro everyone to eat with their hands. Say, "OK! I'm down to try it!"
That new fashion trend?? Just wear it!
Don't limit yourself with self inflicted boundaries. Instead open yourself up to a whole new world of saying, "YES!"
Within reason of course ...
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Sunday, July 4, 2010
Oldie Sunday - Carrot Soup
Try this light recipe for a summer meal! It's even good cold!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Week in Review June 28 to July 2, 2010
A DVD that personal trains you:
A taste of LA street food:
Self Tanner that smells great AND contains NO parabens:
More great workout wear:
Breakfast with spuds:
A taste of LA street food:
Self Tanner that smells great AND contains NO parabens:
More great workout wear:
Breakfast with spuds:
week in review
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sweet Potato Pancake

I had to share my breakfast with you!
Try this recipe for a filling, protein packed morning meal!
Sweet Potato Pancake with Strawberry topping Recipe
1/2 cooked sweet potato with skin (I bake them at 350 degrees for an hour)
3/4 cup egg whites
1 scoop protein powder (I used ON Vanilla Egg White)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp ground flax seed
1 packet Stevia
1 cup frozen strawberries
In a blender, combine egg whites, sweet potato, protein powder, flax, vanilla, 1/2 of the packet of stevia and cinnamon. Blend until smooth.
Heat a skillet sprayed with non stick cooking spray. Pour in sweet potato mixture.
Allow to cook on one side like a pancake, flip when dark brown and crispy.
While pancake is cooking, defrost strawberries in microwave for about 2 minutes. Add remaining stevia and smush into a chunky sauce.
When pancake is brown on both sides, serve on a plate with strawberry topping!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
HardTail Forever

On my last trip to Los Angeles, I stopped into the HardTail store on the Santa Monica Promenade.
Completely in heaven, I dug into their sale section. I'd never tried on their line before and let me tell you, I now know why they have a cult following.
I picked up two pairs of fold over shorts and two criss-cross in the back sports bras.
The fabric is amazingly soft, the cuts incredibly flattering and most importantly the garments are completely functional.
The shorts don't ride up or slip down, whether I am running or practicing yoga. The sports bras shape by goodies and display some lovely, non-offensive cleavage.
If you haven't already been wooed by the HardTail ads in Yoga Journal magazine, let my testimonial guide you to their clothing.
Learn more here:
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hempz Touch of Summer

A self tanner with no parabens and a delightful aroma!
Hempz has added to their line of exceptional body care products with Touch of Summer, a gradual self tanner that imparts a beautiful glow with no nasty ingredients or chemically smell!
Enriched with pure organic Hemp Seed oil, the lotion comes in two shades (fair and medium) and achieves maximum darkness after one week.
I was pleased after just one application!
My skin was soft, hydrated and subtly golden!
Learn more and purchase here:
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Inspired by the "I Love Fruit Cart" and my memories of Los Angeles fruit carts, I have been making this spicy, sour, sweet, crunchy, cool treat:
Fresh Coconut (if you really want to get authentic)
Pico de Gallo seasoning or chile powder
Slice fruit into bite size chunks.
Squeeze lime over fruit
Add a tiny sprinkle of salt and pico or chile to taste.
(image from:
Monday, June 28, 2010

I discovered Lalo Fuentes while browsing the Yogavive (those popped apple chips I wrote about here: )featured athletes.
I promptly went to his website and was intrigued. I wrote the company requesting copies of his DVD's: "LaloFit Volume 1 & 2. They graciously sent me a copy of Volume 2, since Volume 1 is almost sold out.
After doing the hour long Volume 2 workout ... I know why!
Lalo Fuentes has produced a fabulous DVD that feels like having a personal trainer in your living room. Lalo has really captured the essence of what it feels like to be trained one on one in DVD format. He achieves this with a visual rep countdown in the upper right hand corner of the screen and a dual count down timer on the bottom that keeps track of how much total time has elapsed and how much time remains in the interval.
The work out consists of cardio/strength segments separated by thirty second breaks. The breaks are a highlight of the DVD, not only because the rest is well deserved, but motivational phrases flash on the screen such as< "Visualize the end result," "Build Confidence," and "I'm ready - are you?" SEEING these phrases was almost more powerful than hearing them. I loved this feature!
The exercises are challenging, from tons of push up variations, compound lower body movements and plyometrics. My favorite exercise is one I'd never seen before, the "bicep rotations."
Lalo incorporates his "freeze technique" throughout the video, which entails "freezing" for a moment at the top or bottom of a rep to connect mind and body.
Lalo's mellow cues are done in voice over, which allows the viewer to see Lalo REALLY doing the workout. It's nice to see him sweat and struggle ... just like I was!
The DVD includes a Spanish language option, a bonus music video and additional 15 minute workout.
The only equipment you need is a set of light weights (even Lalo is using 5's) and a mat.
I highly suggest adding these DVD's into your workout rotation. The workout is challenging,fun and effective.
Learn more and purchase LaloFit DVD's here:
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
Oldie Sunday
Half of the year is pretty much finito.
Remember January?
Check in with your resolution:
Remember January?
Check in with your resolution:
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Week in Review June 21 to 25, 2010
Crystalized citrus, who knew?
Organic street fruit in LA :
Think yourself into looking and feeling damn good:
Add some weight to your walk:
Post workout fashionista bargains:
Organic street fruit in LA :
Think yourself into looking and feeling damn good:
Add some weight to your walk:
Post workout fashionista bargains:
week in review
Friday, June 25, 2010
American Apocolypse

Calling all post-workout fashionistas.
Maybe you could care less what you wear during your fitness foray, but afterwards you rock the most stylin' frocks.
If you love deals, vintage and high fashion then check out:
My gorgeous and always fashionable friend Brandi, discovered this amazing site that has really unique items and carries brands like Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu and Cynthia Rowley.
I personally am dying over the "To wong "Career Girl" minidress" pictured above.
Be prepared to open your wallet and take advantage of their great prices.
Shop here:
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Walking with Hand Weights

Alright all you, "heavy lifting is the only way change your body" people.
Get ready to start screaming.
I believe that all weight lifting techniques, including many, many reps of little to no weight, have merit. Different body types respond to different types of training. And perhaps the best approach, is a multi-disciplinary, varied one!
That being said, I used to be dead set against walking with hand weights. I felt it compromised the joints - and in some people, it may.
However, if you are relatively fit, especially in the "core," then walking with hand weights may be a viable progression for you. The dumbbells add extra "weight" which results in more calorie burn and if you work your arms in multi-planar movements can tone and shape stubborn arms.
Try using a set of one or two pound dumbbells to work various arm movements while you are walking. Here are some ideas:
1. Pump arms bent 90 degrees back and forth
2. Straight arm lifts - with arms hanging straight at sides lift one or both arms straight up toward the ears as your shoulder allows.
3. Bent or straight arm lateral raise
4. Drum beats - use the weights like drum sticks and beat to a rhythm for "air drumming"
5. Triceps kick backs
Try adding dumbbell walking into your routine on non-consecutive days for great
Purchase light dumbbells from:
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I am about to reveal the number one secret to looking and feeling damn good.
You can't buy it online, shop for it at exlusive retailers or find it at your nearest Wal-Mart.
It is something that a lucky few are just born with and others work to cultivate.
Sometimes you have to fake it until it becomes integrated into your being.
It's about playing up your strengths and embracing your flaws.
Know what makes you special, what makes you - YOU.
So what is this magic key to the entire point of this blog?
Get some. Work at it. Force yourself to hold your head high and be a force of nature.
Challenge: Shift your mindset 180 degrees about a negative body image or emotional issue for three days. See and feel the difference.
Be condident - to look and feel damn good!
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I Heart Fruit Cart

Living in Los Angeles for a decade, it was hard to miss or marvel at the "Frutas" stands. Metal carts with rainbow umbrellas, melons, cucumber, jicama, mango and pineapple sat on ice, were sliced and diced before your ices and served in a plastic bag or container with lemon, pico/chile and salt on top.
Ahhhh, those were the days.
But, I must say - I used to wonder where the fruit came from, how sanitary these carts were and just how "healthy" these seemingly innocent fruity snack was.
Well, a clever Los Angeles couple have started a "Frutas" alternative, The "I Heart Fruit Cart."
Here, they serve organic fruit, sliced up in a sanitary commissary and served in 100% recyclable containers."
Cool. It's compassionate "Frutas."
I'm totally there next time I'm in LA.
Check out the "I Heart Fruit Cart" here:
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Monday, June 21, 2010
True Lemon

I received some samples of True Lemon, True Orange and True Lime 100% natural, cold pressed and crystalized packets of citrus flavor.
I had been searching for a Crystal Lite replacement, since it is made from Aspartame and I think I found it!
I mixed a packet of True Orange with a packet of stevia and 24 oz of water and downed the entire glass promptly.
The packets are a convenient way to flavor water, tea or whatever you choose without added calories.
Learn more and purchase here:
Here is a recipe for a chilled berry lime dessert:
Strawberry Lime Treat
1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese
1 packet True Lime
1 packet Stevia
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk or whole grain milk
1 cup frozen strawberries
Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy with a spoon.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
Oldie Sunday - Nutrasonic
Summer solstice is coming up ...
Great time to do start a new skin care regime.
Add in the Nutrasonic for exfoliation and better product absorption.
Great time to do start a new skin care regime.
Add in the Nutrasonic for exfoliation and better product absorption.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Week in Review June 14 to 18, 2010
Be macro like Madonna:
Popped Fuji Chips:
Get clean for a cause:
Frozen Yogurt truths:
Add to your home gym:
Popped Fuji Chips:
Get clean for a cause:
Frozen Yogurt truths:
Add to your home gym:
week in review
Friday, June 18, 2010
Ultimate Body Press

Working out at home using little or no equipment creates an amazing physique, but it is often challenging to work fundamental exercises like dips and to directly work the large muscles of your back.
The Ultimate Body Press solves that issue!
Constructed of four pieces of steel that are easily assembled, the Ultimate Body Press is the ideal solution for performing body weight dips and full body rows.
The height of the machine makes it a great option for women to learn an empowering exercise like the dip which works the chest and triceps, because you can begin by placing both feet on the ground, then move to one foot and eventually work up to the full dip.
The body weight row is a great way to work the opposing muscles of the back and biceps without having to have the strength to do a full pull up, yet this exercise will help you get on your way there!
Both exercises work the core muscles as well, especially when you pay attention to engaging your abs and stablizing with your low back.
Accessories like attachable resistance bands and push up rings are available for the aparatus to make the machine a total body device.
Learn more and purchase here:
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bodyweight exercise,
upper body,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Frozen Yogurt

My cousin emailed me the other day asking for my opinion on Frozen Yogurt. She has been marveling at all of the fro yo shops popping up claiming to offer "healthy" treats.
My response was: the only yogurt that is GOOD for you is plain, non or low fat, organic or at the very least hormone-free, greek style or regular, refrigerated yogurt with active cultures and probiotics.
Most any frozen yogurt is processed and full of added stuff including sugar. Even the sugar-free frozen yogurts are full of processed chemicals without much nutrional value.
They are also often whipped with tons of air so they are not ultimatly satisfying. You end of full of cold, airy, chemicals.
The bottom line is that frozen yogurt is a treat. If it was "good" or "healthy" for you I would have my mouth attached to the spout of one those machines!
If you want to enjoy frozen yogurt, do so in moderation. Always get the smallest size and no toppings except fruit.
Better, in my opinion to have a 1/2 cup serving of all natural real, deal ice cream like Hagen daaz 5.
It's ultimately yummier and more satisfying.
Want my opinion on a beauty, fashion, fitness or nutrition issue? Write me!
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Peace Soap

Kiss My Face has added to their line of fabulous natural products with their version of castille soap, called Peace Soap.
Peace Soap is touted to have 101 uses such as: make up brush cleanser, toothpaste alternative, laundry detergent and plant insecticide.
Awesome - love a multi-use product.
I especially love a multi-tasker that 10% of the profits go to a good cause. In this case, Kiss My Face donates to The Seeds of Peace Organization which helps "young people from regions of conflict develop the leadership skills necessary to advance reconciliation and coexistence.”
That is some powerful cleanser.
Learn more and purchase Peace Soap here:
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Yogavive Chips

I am a victim of clever retailing.
It's not even really clever.
Truly, I am a sucker for overt, shoving in your face to buy items in the check out line.
As I waited in what was seemingly an endless line at HomeGoods, I was tantalized by the items that surrounded me from every angle. I contemplated purchasing scented candles, wacky key chains, reading glasses, an ipod speaker system, golf accessories and flavored coffee. Then, I spied a bin full of shiny, puffy little packages with the word "yoga" sprawled across them.
They had me with the balloon like packaging, but yoga sealed the deal.
I picked up a package of Yogavive Organic Popped Fuji Apple Chips and added them to the booty I scored that day.
I deflated the package of "fat-free, crispy, gluten free, vegan and no added sugar Caramel flavored apple chips and discovered a satisfying taste sensation.
I completely realize eating a whole, fresh Fuji apple would have another level of nutrition and delicious crunch, but these light, crispy chips delivered a delicious, 35 calorie, fun snack.
Yogavive chips would be especially useful in getting kids and produce-phobes to eat some fruit!
Learn more and purchase Yogavive chips here:
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Monday, June 14, 2010
Mayumi's Kitchen - Madonna Macrobiotic

The moment I heard that Madonna's long time Macrobiotic chef, Mayumi Nishimura was coming out with a cook book, "Mayumi's Kitchen," I contacted the publisher to receive an advance copy.
Kodansha International kindly sent me one and I immediately dove in.
The book is an interesting, quick read documenting Mayumi's path to becoming a macrobiotic chef to the stars and contains a wealth of macro recipes to follow, meal by meal, on her eating program.
The photographs are stunning and reel you right in to the allure of macrobiotic eating.
Initially, I had the intention of following the eating plan, but quite honestly, I found diving into the macrobiotic lifestyle a bit overwhelming.
Instead, I have been integrating pieces of the diet and individual recipes into my current diet.
Some great ways to start incorporating macrobiotics into your life are to eat small portions of brown rice, introduce a variety of sea vegetables into your life and limit sweets.
I especially enjoy Mayumi's Miso Soup with Daikon and Onion recipe.
Learn more and purchase "Mayumi's Kitchen" here:
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celebrity diet tip,
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Oldie Sunday-Gymboss Timer
I almost almost utilize my trusty gymboss timer during workouts, but the other day the display started malfunctioning.
I wrote the company and they are sending me a new timer, no questions asked.
I have to give props to Gymboss for great customer service!!
Check out my original entry on this awesome gym gadget here:
I wrote the company and they are sending me a new timer, no questions asked.
I have to give props to Gymboss for great customer service!!
Check out my original entry on this awesome gym gadget here:
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Week in Review June 7 to 11, 2010
A Team Fitness inspiration:
Cocktails that won't result in beer belly:
Tend to your digits:
Ways to cope when you get sidelined:
Feel damn good by giving blood:
Cocktails that won't result in beer belly:
Tend to your digits:
Ways to cope when you get sidelined:
Feel damn good by giving blood:
week in review
Friday, June 11, 2010
World Blood Donor Day

The first time I gave blood was last year, in conjunction with reading "Eat Right for Your Type."
Neither my mother, nor I had any record of my blood type and after experimenting with a home test, decided to find out for sure by giving blood.
The experience was fast, virtually painless and extremely rewarding. I confirmed my blood type and helped fill the blood bank shelves.
June 14, 2010 is World Blood Donor Day.
I sincerely urge you to find a local Blood Donation Center and give blood. You will be helping someone in the most generous way possible.
Plus, you'll get some of the nifty Nexcare bandages pictured in the photo above.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Handling Injury

Almost two months ago, I was more than halfway through my usual daily Ashtanga Primary Series practice.
I was fully into Upavishta Konasana (wide angle forward fold), enjoying my five ujayii breaths, when suddenly I felt something in my hip/glute area - muscle or tendon ... or maybe fascia slide over the bone/joint and heard the most god awful pop/tear.
I calmly stopped my practice and limped into the kitchen where I immediately applied ice.
The next few days manifested an injury that felt like it emanated from the hip, but clearly involved the hamstring and hamstring insertion as well.
Needless to say my yoga practice has transformed since then.
I have maintained my practice as my teacher encouraged me to modify as necessary, but still get through my practice.
After about four weeks of heavily modified practice, I began to cross train.
Amazingly, I have been able to incorporate jogging, stepmill, cycling, elliptical, plyometrics and strength training into my regime.
The result ... two months later ... I am still not 100%, but am coming back stronger than ever. I have maintained my flexibility and built new found strength.
The lesson?
If I had better insurance, a doctor probably would have told me to rest for eight weeks. (I am not advocating NOT going to the doctor - I am merely stating that you should do what you instinctually know is good for your body. Maybe your body tells you to rest when you are injured.)
I can't imagine where I would be right now, had I done that.
I worked through and modified for my injury safely. I believe in another four weeks, I'll be better than ever!!
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In praise of girly-ness, beauty maintence and self indulgence, this post will focus on a weekly beauty ritual I have recently re-embraced - the manicure.
Tidy, well groomed hands say a lot about a person - male or female.
Manicured hands increase self confidence and project the message that you care about details.
Schedule a standing appointment for a weekly manicure with your favorite nail professional and observe your digits not only look damn good, but see how this beauty ritual can make you feel damn good as well.
My current finger and toe obsession? OPI Shorts Story, a bright, blue based pink perfect for transitioning from Spring to Summer.
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Monday, June 7, 2010

Let's face it, alcohol doesn't really factor in to a lifestyle centered around looking and feeling damn good.
But, sometimes an occasion or a really tough day calls for a little adult beverage action.
Here are some good options (other than the "have red wine because it contains antioxidants same old, same old) when choosing your poison:
1. (1) Vodka Martini, chilled, served "up" with olives
2. (1) Chilled Patron Tequila, shaken with the juice of one fresh lime served over
3. (1) "light" beer of your choice
4. (1) Guinness
5. (1) glass champagne
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Sunday, June 6, 2010
The A Team Movie

More Summer Movie fitness inspiration!!
The A Team is sure to motivate bodies to hit the gym when it is released on June 11, 2010.
Between constant fitness buff Jessica Biel and the rocked out physique of Bradley Cooper, the swoll eye candy should not disappoint.
I pity the fool who does not get their booty up in the gym to work on their on fitness after just seeing the preview alone!
I can't wait to start reading details about how the stars got in shape for this flick!
I will however, be missing my Mr. T!
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Oldie Sunday - Unranch Dressing
I've been in the tropical climate of NYC all week, which has made me only want to eat cool, crisp salads.
Try this recipe for Unranch Dressing over some fresh, cold veggies:
Try this recipe for Unranch Dressing over some fresh, cold veggies:
Saturday, June 5, 2010
May 31 to June 4, 2010
Roll out for self massage:
Egg Protein:
Run cute:
You SHOULD be doing these exercises:
Eat like a hungry girl:
Egg Protein:
Run cute:
You SHOULD be doing these exercises:
Eat like a hungry girl:
week in review
Friday, June 4, 2010
Hungry Girl

If you identify with the title of this post in any capacity, then you must check out:
Packed full of daily tips, tricks and recipes for eating healthy and remaining satiated, this totally useful, practical, creative blog provides a plethora of sound nutrition advice.
I particularly love checking out the "Chew the Right Thing" feature that highlights wise eating swaps like this amazing recipe for a McDonald's McGriddle swap:
Sign up for the Hungry Girl daily email and get inspired to munch better!
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Thursday, June 3, 2010
Exercises you SHOULD be doing

If there is a particular exercise you are avoiding, it is probably exactly what your body needs.
For some reason, it is human nature to avoid what is challenging and uncomfortable.
I say, "In your face, instinct!"
Embrace what you don't want to do and watch your body transform!!
Here are some case in point, commonly avoided exercises:
1. Pull Ups
2. Jump Lunges
3. Hanging Straight Leg Raises
4. Dips
5. Sprints
6. Ardha Chandrasana (half moon posture)
7. Wide Angle Forward Fold (Upavishta Konasana)
In fact ... why not create a workout centered around these "bane of your exercise existence" movements?
Try circuiting the above moves. Determine your number of reps and length of sprint. Do each exercise one after the other without rest. Start with one set once a week. The following week, do two sets. Add an additional set the third week and continue performing this workout once per week.
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bodyweight exercise,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Lucy Sprinter Sister Skirt and Contest

If you aren't a Lucy Activewear convert/addict yet, I implore you to get thee to or to a store near you, try on ANY of their garments, see and feel the Lucy difference!
Their latest triumph in merging style, functionality, comfort and cuteness is the Sprinter Sister Skirt.
I had gotten an email touting the release of the Lucy Summer Collection and was intrigued by this unique take on the running skirt. I had dismissed the running skirt trend as just that - a trend and secretly wished it would just go away. But, there was something about the cut of the Sprinter Sister Skirt that opened my mind a bit.
Engineered from a combination of stretchy lucy flex fabric and moisture wicking lucy tech material, the skirt has a super flattering, totally wearable, pleated silhouette and majorly functional features like a reflective zip pocket in the back, an mp3 player pocket and a mesh ball pocket. You can be the MacGuyver of fitness wearing this adorable piece with a place for all your gadgets!
I requested to test the skirt and Lucy generously obliged, also sending me the matching Propel Tank.
Both items were love at first try on. Never did I imagine I would be a running skirt girl, but there is something about the way this garment makes you feel that is undeniable. Upon donning the skirt and tank I was more motivated to work out and show off my new fitness style!
I was super impressed with the functionality of the shorts under the skirt. No pinching, riding or rolling up - plus they totally enhance the athletic shape of my thighs, instead of squeezing my curves in an unsightly way.
My run was cool, dry, chafe free and totally uninhibited by the skirt. Same goes for the tank - no armpits were harmed in the use of this moisture wicking, quick drying, well cut top.
I have also taken the Sprinter Sister and Propel Tank to the gym. Squats and lunges have never looked so good.
Be sure to add the Sprinter Sister Skirt and Propel Tank to your workout wardrobe by shopping Lucy here:
And ... as a Lucy bonus ...
If you are lucky enough to live near a Lucy store check out this amazing offer:
To kick-start summer training lucy is launching a new compete and win promotion with two ways to win! From now through the end of August customers who present a race bib get 20% off any full-priced lucy® item at any one of the brand’s 65 US locations. In addition racers who come in first, second or third dressed in head-to-toe lucy get a lucy Training Tank and Propel Bottom. Says Kira Karmazin, VP, Merchandising and Marketing, “lucy is all about inspiring performance—and in this case, we wanted to let racers know how inspired we are by them.”
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Optimum Nutrition Egg Protein

I like to switch up my protein powders to keep from dietary boredom.
I just bought a tub of Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Custard Egg Protein from
I am totally pleased!
Each serving contains 24 grams of protein and 100 calories - the equivalent of seven egg whites.
Instantized - so it mixes quickly with anything - this is the definition of protein convenience.
I've been making a killer post workout smoothie with this - it's a bit sweet - but, totally delish!
Eggsellent Blueberry Post Workout Smoothie:
8 - 10 oz cold filtered water
1- Serving ON Egg Protein Vanilla Flavor
1/2 cup Trader Joes frozen Wild Blueberries
1 packet Stevia
1 packet Emergen C Lite with MSM
1 tsp glutamine
2 grams Jarrow MSM powder
1 tsp Carlson Cod Liver Oil - Lemon Flavor
1 scoop Scivation Xtend - Refreshing Lemonade
Throw all ingredients into blender. Blend and Enjoy!
Learn more and purchase Optimum Nutrition products here:
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post workout,
Monday, May 31, 2010
Foam Roller

I have fallen back in love with my foam roller.
My oblong friend had been sitting in the corner of my home workout space for quite some time, collecting dust and memories of IT bands once rolled.
Then, I read an article ... in a magazine or on a blog, about a female athlete who said foam rolling was the "poor woman's massage."
I immediately identified.
I threw down that foam roller so fast and rolled the heck out of my legs, back and any body part remotely rollable.
Ahhhhhhh. Sweet relief.
Taking five to ten minutes to foam roll your muscles will make a huge difference in your recovery, flexibility, injury prevention, treatment and overall wellness.
Check out this YouTube video for the top five foam roller exercises:
Purchase a foam roller here and check out all the other fitness goodies:
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Sunday, May 30, 2010
Oldie Sunday - beachy hair
Even if you didn't escape for a warm weather getaway this holiday weekend ...
Achieve beachy texture with Sidlab Pacifica Sea Salt Spray:
Achieve beachy texture with Sidlab Pacifica Sea Salt Spray:
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Week in Review May 24 to 28
Are you really the size you think you are?
Gorgeous brows from Japonesque:
Drink Green!
What's your favorite workout track? You only get one!
Natural Sun Protection:
Gorgeous brows from Japonesque:
Drink Green!
What's your favorite workout track? You only get one!
Natural Sun Protection:
week in review
Friday, May 28, 2010
Kiss My Face Sun Protection

Kiss My Face sent me a few products from their sun care line and have rocked it with this line!
They have created an awesome smelling, paraben free, water resistant spray sunscreen in a totally portable 4oz bottle!
SunSWAT even retains it's SPF after 40 minutes of water play!
I've been spritzing this on my chest, arms and legs before my outdoor workouts and my fair skin has been totally protected.
On my face and neck I've been using the Face Factor SPF 30. Also paraben and fragrance free, as well as water resistant, this product is a MUST for application before you go outdoors this summer! Using sunscreen is one of the most important steps you can take in preventing sun damage and the signs of aging and Kiss My Face makes it easy to do so in a natural way!
After you come in from a day in the sun, give their After Sun Aloe Soother a try! This fragrance free, paraben free dreamy lotion contains jewelweed, yucca and 95% aloe to hydrate and soothe sun exposed skin.
Learn more and shop for Kiss My Face Sun Protection Products here:
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ageing prevention,
sun protection,
Thursday, May 27, 2010
ONE workout song

If you could only have ONE song on your playlist for your workouts ... what would it be?
I pondered this as I jammed to Slash featuring Fergie and Cypress Hill's new version of "Paradise City" this morning ...
But, I've also recently considered:
Kevin Rudolph "I made it"
Madonna "Celebration"
Glee Cast "Physical"
Come to think of it ... maybe it's:
Fergie and David Guetta "Gettin over You"
I challenge YOU to pick just ONE!!
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Trader Joe's Essential Greens Veggie Juice

I've been a little lazy about my green smoothies lately.
Between running to the coop for organic veggies and actually throwing everything together in the vitamix every morning, life has gotten in the way of me drinking my greens.
Trader Joe's to the rescue. Isn't that always the case?? Thank healthy heavens for Trader Joe's and their myriad of healthy, convenient food choices.
I picked up a few 15.2 oz bottles of their Essential Greens Veggie Juice this week to down after workouts.
Essential Greens Veggie Juice is a Flash Pasteurized, Cold Pressed 100% juice blend of celery, spinach, parsley, cucumber, kale, romaine and sprouts. Each 8 oz serving contains just 30 calories and 3 grams of protein!
I wish this juice came in a gallon size - it would be on my list every week!
Enjoy Essential Greens straight from the bottle, or use as a base for your customized smoothies - adding protein powder and fruit.
Learn more and purchase Essential Greens at:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Japonesque Brow Kit

I was so excited when I was sent the Japonesque Brow Kit.
Adorably packaged in a pink clutch case, the kit includes a tiny compact with brow wax, 2 neutral brow powders, a mini spoolie (a dry "mascara" brush to groom brows) and an angled brow brush.
Also tucked inside are 3 brow stencils, clear brow gel and a slant tip tweezers.
This kit has everything you would ever need for gorgeously groomed brows and is a great tool for make up artists to keep as an emergency touch up kit to keep on hand.
If you have never experienced the wonders of brow wax or are intimidated by the concept, don't be! Japonesque's formula is sheer and light, keeping every hair in place.
The brow powders are soft and neutral, blendable for every shade imaginable.
The tweezers come in handy for strays interfering with the "perfect" eye.
There's even room in the super cute pink compact that houses all these goodies for extras you throw in. The hard case is great to throw in your bag and easy to find in a deep purse.
Learn more about the Japonesque Brow Kit here:
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Monday, May 24, 2010
Deceptive Sizing

Is it just me, or has sizing changed in the last year or so??
Have manufacturers tweaked the way sizes run in favor of consumers to make us feel better??
Maybe it's all the stretch lycra and denim, but I feel like sizes run much bigger than they used to - to my ego's delight of course.
I mean, who wouldn't rather be able to squeeze into a smaller size, even if the size does not run true?
But, what are the ramifications of this?
We are a nation that just keeps getting bigger and at the same time retailers are playing into this by making us feel smaller. Wierd. Isn't there anyone to regulate this?
In the meantime, I guess I'll embrace my new "size."
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Sunday, May 23, 2010
Oldie Sunday
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Week in Review May 17 to 21, 2010
Workout phases:
Fun, functional dance, yoga and fitness hybrid workout:
Teally cool make up and fashion:
Raw, Citrus Crunch Salad:
Sexy, classic, retro duds:
Fun, functional dance, yoga and fitness hybrid workout:
Teally cool make up and fashion:
Raw, Citrus Crunch Salad:
Sexy, classic, retro duds:
week in review
Friday, May 21, 2010
Pin Up Girl Clothing

I am bananas about EVERY item on!!
I finally found my dress for my sister's wedding on this site. See the above pic of me ... pre-alterations. (I'm a midget - everything needs to be altered!)
Regardless if you are curvy, skinny, athletic, retro, classic, tattooed or even conservative, Pin Up Girl Clothing has a special item for you no matter what your taste.
Most of the items have a retro, classic feel recalling the golden age of movies and fashion. But, whether you choose a dress or a hand bag, the styles are still really relevant, fresh and current.
The website customer is fabulous as well. I ordered a size too big at first and the company credited my return shipping and quickly sent out the correct size.
Shop all of Pin Up Girl Clothing here:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Citrus Crunch Salad

Another refreshing, raw salad recipe!!
Throw a huge batch of this together and enjoy plain or topped with your favorite protein. This salad goes well with EVERYTHING ... from fish, to beans, tofu or grilled skirt steak!!
Citrus Crunch Salad
(Use organic whenever possible)
1 - head of purple cabbage
1 - bunch green onions
2 - ripe avocados
2 - ears fresh, raw corn
1 - red bell pepper
1 - green bell pepper
1 - lemon
1 - lime
Salt and pepper to taste
Chop cabbage, green onions, red and green pepper and place into large bowl.
Remove corn kernels from ears of corn by using a knife. Just run the knife down the entire length of the corn cob. Add corn to bowl.
Squeeze the juice of lemon and lime over veggies and toss.
Halve avocados, score into squares and scoop with a spoon into veggies.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Toss lightly and enjoy!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Teally Cool

A pop of electric turquoise or teal is a great way to infuse Spring/Summer fun into your make up and fashion wardrobe.
Try wearing all white with a piece of chunky turquoise jewelery. Or combine "corally" shades of orange with sparks of turquoise for an "islandy" feel.
Experiment with teal eye make up.
My current fave is a new shade of a product that is one of my daily eye addictions - Smashbox Jet Set Waterproof Eyeliner, now available in teal.
Using the #21 Arced Liner Brush ... either draw a dramatic cat eye on top of the lid or go more Mod/Punk by using the bright shade in a thickly angled shape lining the lower eye.
Shop all of Smashbox and purchase here:
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Part of maintaining an ACE Personal Training Certification is completing 2.0 Continuing Education Credits every two years.
I always try to take workshops that interest me and that I can actually apply to my client's training sessions, instead of just knocking the credits out to get 'em over with.
This weekend I traveled to San Francisco to attend a Balletone Sole Synthesis workshop lead by Shannon Fable.
Balletone interested in me on many levels.
Balletone Sole Synthesis incorporates multi directional/multi planar movements from fitness, ballet and yoga and is done barefoot. This workout basically covers everything in a one hour workout; cardio, strength, flexibility, stability, vertical core and balance training.
There is absolutely no equipment necessary for this workout - just your barefoot self ready to rock some new movements with no ego attached.
The workout begins with a warm up starting at the feet. Emphasis is placed on learning to distribute weight and move the toes independently. From there the first "segment" begins. Each "segment" includes a fitness piece, a ballet piece and a yoga piece tied together by a theme - like a forward lunge. The theme is performed within each of piece of the segment specific to the discipline.
For example, a front lunge in fitness - is well, a front lunge. In ballet, it transforms into a turned out "fall front" and in yoga it becomes a crescent lunge. Sole Synthesis really ties together the big picture of exercise, exemplifying how all movement disciplines are ultimately related.
In addition, each lower body movement has a complimentary (and sometimes opposing) upper body movement, creating a neuromuscular challenge.
The hour long group fitness class moves quickly, can adapt to every fitness level, is an amazing, original way to work functional movements and produces a ton of sweat.
To find a Balletone and Sole Synthesis class near you or purchase a DVD click here:
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Workout Phases

Ever feel like your yoga practice is getting stale?
Or maybe your gym routine is just not producing results anymore?
Perhaps you are not motivated to go to your spin class anymore.
That's a signal to change it up!
Going through workout phases is a natural part of being committed to a fitness plan, especially if you find yourself focusing on one modality for too long.
If you are done with yoga, try pilates or a Ruah DVD.
Tired of running? Give the stepmill or a boxing gym a go!
Treat yourself to a new fitness dvd or piece of equipment to reinspire your desire to workout.
Better yet, always mix up your routine to prevent boredom and your body from acclimating to one movement.
A great schedule would be as follows:
Monday: Gym - cycle class and 15 min flexibility training afterwards
Tuesday: Yin Yoga Class
Wednesday: Boxing Gym Conditioning Class
Thursday: Ruah Mind Body Movement or Pilates DVD (
Friday: Incline Treadmill walk, Cable Functional Training
Saturday: Outdoor Sporting Activity
Sunday: Off
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Sunday, May 16, 2010
Oldie - Avatar workout
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Week in Review May 10 to 14, 2010
Fitness inspiration from Iron Man 2:
Power from workouts:
Chew instead of swallow:
A wet stretch:
Hangarian, Organic skin care:
Power from workouts:
Chew instead of swallow:
A wet stretch:
Hangarian, Organic skin care:
week in review
Friday, May 14, 2010
Ilike Skin Care

Organic skin care from Hungary, Ilike combines fruit, vegetable and herbal ingredients into their extensive skin care line.
With a regime and product for every skin care concern, Ilike has the skin care solution for anyone looking for natural, organic products.
Ilike sent me small samples of several products in the line.
I was impressed by how the products retained the look, texture, feel and aromas of many of the ingredients used to create the products.
My favorite of the samples was the Sulphuric Whipped Moisturizer. I had a few hormonal erruptions and after one evening application of this treatment, I woke up with smoother, clearer skin.
Learn more and shop Ilike here:
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Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tub Stretch

**Disclaimer: takes no responsibility for injuries incurred while attempting this activity **
Take advantage of warm muscles by stretching in the tub.
Move slowly and carefully while attempting these movements, as tubs are, as Bon Jovi so eloquently titled an album, "Slippery when Wet."
Fill a tub with the hottest water you can withstand and add 2 cups of Epsom Salts.
Soak for 15 minutes.
Spend the next ten minutes holding the following stretches:
1: Hamstring: Bend one leg. Extend the other leg straight up and grasp the back of your thigh, hamstring, calf, ankle or foot. Pull extended leg into body. Repeat on other side.
2. Low back, glute: Bring one knee into chest. Cross knee over opposite side of body so that you are in a twist. Try to get knee to bottom of tub. Repeat other side.
3. Quads: Kneel in tub. Place hands behind your rear end and lean back to stretch quads.
4. Upper Body. Face away from edge of tub. Clasp hands behind you and press palms together. Hook wrists on edge of tub and stretch through chest and upper body.
Relax and soak for another 5 minutes when finished.
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post workout,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Salmon Pouches

Tired of the same old tuna?
Can't stand another post workout shake?
Try canned or "pouched" salmon.
I like Chicken of the Sea Premium Wild Caught Boneless, Skinless Pink Salmon Pouches. They cost less than a buck each for the single serving size, are dolphin safe and super convenient! You could even eat it right from the pouch in a protein pinch!
A 2oz. serving has 60 calories and 10 grams of protein. Plus you get the Omega 3 fatty acids and DHA benefits of fish oil!
Try this yummy dish:
2oz "Pouched Salmon"
1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese
1oz fresh avocado
Mix ingredients together and serve on a whole grain cracker like GG Crackers( or Mary's Gone Crackers (
Learn more about Chicken of the Sea Salmon here:
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Energy Generating Cycles

I joke about it all the time when I teach indoor cycling, "Imagine if all this peddaling could generate electricty?"
Riders giggle and then a lightbulb goes off and they think, "Wow, what IF all this peddaling really could generate power?"
Leave it to New York Sports Club to take the inniative and make it happen.
An entry on one of my favorite blogs "Social Workout" ( tells all about it:
The bikes generate about 300 kw, which isn't much - but, at least it's something.
If being green is important to you or you want to help solve the energy crisis, what a cool way to REALLY make your workout count!
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Monday, May 10, 2010
Damn, They ALL look good! Iron Man 2

Dayuuuuuuum, the Iron Man 2 cast looks good!
I knew seeing the highly anticipated action flick would be fitness inspiration!
There is something for everyone in this film, whether you like slim, beefy, sinewy or sturvy (strong and curvy.)
Robert Downey, Jr., Mickey Rourke, Gwenyth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson have created physiques for this film reflective of the training modality they are into.
Starting with Gwenyth, because she shouts from rooftops her love of her sometimes controversial trainer, Tracy Anderson. The two are business partners with gyms and dvd's, so I always have a smidge of a grain of salt when Gwenyth expounds on how she created her body.
If you are into the slim, skinny look try Tracy Anderson's sculpting and dance based workouts. Tracy and Gwenyth are enthusiastic about low calorie diets to achieve this look, so if you are into food - this probably isn't for you.
Then, there the body antithesis of Ms. Paltrow in the bodacious Scarlet Johansson. Johansson trained with her husband's fitness guru, Bobby Strom - a master of resistance, functional and lifestyle training. Her body looks better than ever - lean, yet still soft exactly where a woman should be. She created a tiny, compact, sexy body for her character.
For those of you into beefy thugs, look no further than the totally menacing Mickey Rourke. Barrel chested with a ton of muscle, Rourke is still sporting his "Wrestler" physique. Obviously chiseled from a diet of pumping iron, training with Mike Ryan and consuming a ton protein, Rourke has become an intimidating physical force.
And then, there is the sinewy, flexible, graceful, physique of Robert Downey Jr. My trainer's eye tells me this is not a natural body type for RDJ ... he has to work hard to etch those lean, long muscles into his physique. Training with Brad Bose once again, RDJ incorporates multi directional strenth training, lots of cardio and martial arts to create that ninja bod!
These actors are a great reminder that regardless of genetics, you get what you put into your fitness routine. Decide what you want your final product to look like, then train and eat for that goal.
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Sunday, May 9, 2010
Oldie Sunday - Green Soup
Happy Mother's Day! Soup up my Green Soup recipe with fresh Spring produce for Mom today!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Week in Review May 3 to 7, 2010
Yes, I'm trend psychic:
The original whole grain:
Cinco de Mayo inspired workout:
Battery powered hamsters make everyone happy:
Tasty Xylitol Gum:
The original whole grain:
Cinco de Mayo inspired workout:
Battery powered hamsters make everyone happy:
Tasty Xylitol Gum:
week in review
Friday, May 7, 2010
Zapp! Gum

However you say it, it is something I try to avoid consuming.
Aspartame is a sugar substitute found in everything from diet sodas, to toothpaste to sugarless gum.
I have succeeded at cutting out all sources of this artificial sweetener, except in the place I probably get it the most.
My pack a day gum habit.
I admit to having an oral fixation. I love to chew. And sugarless gum keeps my breath fresh and teeth sparkling while quelling my need to have a busy mouth.
But, a light bulb finally went off about the nastiness of this habit in terms of the mass quantities of aspartame I am consuming.
What are the options?
Gnaw on a piece of bark as traditionally done? Masticate some other chewy piece of nature?
That's where Zapp! Gum comes in.
Sweetened with Xylitol, Zapp! comes in five amazing flavors and actually helps to prevent cavities. Xylitol is also said to help boost the immune system and help allergy sufferers.
Zapp! is completely free of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. It also contains the most xylitol of any other gum out there. Plus, it's made in the USA!
Zapp! Gum generously sent me samples of their flavors. I highly suggest the Apple Cinnamon as an after meal "dessert," and the Cool Peppermint for a refreshing, burst of minty goodness.
Learn more and purchase Zapp! Gum here:
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Thursday, May 6, 2010
Zhu Zhu Pets

I'm not really sure where this fits into this blog, but seeing a child's reaction after you gift them a Zhu Zhu Pet is sure to make you feel damn good.
I unknowingly purchased one of this zip zoomy critters for my five year old sister. By unknowingly, I mean I had no idea that every person in the universe under 10 years old knows what these things are.
I had to stop into Walgreens to pick something up while on a visit with the baby sis. She begged me, "Oh Lindsay, please buy me SOMETHING while you are in there."
Feeling generous, and unable to say no to her lispy "s's" and raspy kid voice, I agreed.
But, WHAT to buy ... candy?? No - I'm a health nut. Lipgloss?? Eh ... I don't like to encourage a cosmetics addiction this early ... Oh ... now what is this I spy? A motorized hamster?? Adorable. I'll take one.
I brought the cardboard boxed pet to her anticipatory little hands and she squealed with delight, "Oh, Oh, Oh ... A ZHU ZHU pet!! I always wanted on of these!!"
Who knew??
Well, certainly not me.
The crudely furred faux pet runs on a battery, coos and chirps, spins and scurries all to the joy of rugrats around the globe.
At ten bucks per Zhu Zhu, this a great way to make a little one scream with glee and the big one who gifted it feel amazing.
The glow from giving a good gift ... now that looks damn good.
Learn more about Zhu Zhu pets here:
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cinco de Mayo Workout

In honor of Cinco de Mayo - 05.05.10, try this workout that plays with the numbers in today's date.
1. Perform 5 intervals of :30 intense work/ :30 recovery on the cardiovascular modality of your choice.
2. Perform 5 reps of a bodyweight upper body exercise of your choice like push ups or pull ups.
3. Perform 10 reps of a bodyweight or plyometric lower body move like walking lunges or jump squats.
Repeat this circuit 5 times ... if you can!!
Feel free to alternate what type of cardio you do each circuit and vary the upper and lower body exercises as well.
This workout oughta make up for any weeknight margaritas you indulge in to celebrate!
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bodyweight exercise,
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Brown Rice

Ah, the noble grain of brown rice.
Whether long, or short grain or right in between at a lovely medium, this whole grain is the centerpiece to George Oshawa's Macrobiotic Diet.
As I delve into this beautiful way of eating, brown rice has emerged as a dietary superstar for me.
Once a carb - phobe, I no longer eschew the goodness of whole grains.
I have started to incorporate brown rice or another whole grain into my diet at least once a day. I am particularly enchanted with brown rice for breakfast.
Either fixed plain and served with miso soup or sweetened with a bit of stevia, raisins, goji berries, pumpkin seeds and walnuts, I am feeling lighter, more energized and clear headed starting the day with this fuel.
I never understood how folks could prefer white rice, stripped of all the flavor, goodness, fiber, vitamins and protein of it's original brown form. Brown rice has a hearty, filling, nutty flavor that goes well with any vegetable, fat, protein or even fruit!
Nutritionally, you can't beat this grain's profile. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, brown rice has even recently been linked to heart health.
Check out this article for more on what is in brown rice that may prevent cardiovascular disease:
Steam it, boil it, pressure cook it - JUST EAT IT!!
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brown rice,
whole foods
Monday, May 3, 2010
Trend Prediction Fruition - Yellow Eyeshadow

Back when I started this blog in November 2009 ... on November 9, 2009 to be exact ...
I predicted "I foresee gorgeous washes of yellow eyeshadow for Spring and Summer 2010. From soft, daffodil pastels to bright, saturated neons to gold infused shimmers - yellow eyes will be where it's at."
(See the full post here:
And now, from Christina Aguilera in her controversial "Not Myself Tonight" video to Napoleon Perdis' Spring Cosmetic Collection, yellow eyeshadow is blooming everywhere! (By the way, I don't see what all of the fuss is about with Xtina "copying" all these other artists for the video. Hello people - the song is called, "Not Myself Tonight" - do we not see the irony here? Oye.)
I received a sampling of Napoleon Perdis' Spring Cosmetic Collection and was thrilled to find not one, but two yellows to play with!
In Perdis' Prismatic Eye Shadow Quad #6 there is a bright, matte purely pigmented yellow for those bold enough to rock the shade in it's glory. Try using a wet angle brush for sharp accents as eyeliner.
I also received their Loose Dust in Shiny Gold #1. Worn alone, this creates a sheer, shimmery wash of yellowish, gold. Try blending the color from lashes all the way up to the brow bone for a soft, but bold look.
Learn more about Napoleon Perdis Cosmetics and shop for your Spring Yellows here:
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