Gonna do a little diet overhaul the next 10 days inspired by Sequel Natural Vega products. Sequel Naturals generous enough to send me samples of their new Whole Food Vibrance bars. Accoring to Sequelnaturals.com,
"The newest addition to the award-winning Vega product line, Vega Whole Food Vibrancy Bars are a unique and utterly delicious blend of all-natural, raw, organic, and enzymatically-active plant-based superfoods including sprouted buckwheat, sprouted almonds, acai, Salba and hemp seeds. (See full list of ingredients)
Unlike any other bar on the market, Vibrance bars maintain a taste of guilty pleasure while also being vegan, gluten-free, sprouted, alkaline-forming, and rich in Omega 3, antioxidants and phytonutrients!"
I am going to use the bars in conjunction with Vega Shakes and a clean diet of whole, unprocessed foods to start 2010 out on a nutritional bonanza.
You can purchase Vega products from:
Or at Whole Foods
I will document my meals and work outs for you each day - as well as my starting and ending stats with pictures. I will post my journal at the end of the 10 days on this blog. In the meantime, for daily updates, check http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/lookdamngood/
Here is the plan:
AM: Coffee and
Before workout 1/2 Vibrance bar
AM: After workout 1 Vega Shake plus a banana if hungry
AM: Snack 1/2 Vibrance bar
Lunch: serving of lean protein and veggies plus 1/2 cup of a whole grain or 2 GG Crackers
Snack: apple (or other fruit) and serving of almonds, walnuts or cashews
Dinner: lean protein and veggies plus 2 GG Crackers if hungry
In addition - I take a multi vitamin, 1 tsp cod liver oil, up to 3 grams of MSM, a packet of EmergenC and 4500 - 9000 mg glutamine each day.
Join me and let me know WHAT you are doing to get your body looking damn good in the New Year!
(picture from: sequelnaturals.com)
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