Finished my ten day Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer and Vibrancy Bar meal plan. To see what I ate, click here: http://damn-ilookgood.blogspot.com/2010/01/new-year-diet-plan.html
I feel great! As a bonus, I lost one percent body fat, dropped one pound and reduced my waist by 3/4 of an inch. See pics and stats here: http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/lookdamngood/profilecp.php?module=progress
I am a huge proponent of eating whole foods, but sometimes life gets hectic and we need convenience foods to make good nutrition possible.
Vega products are more than that compromise for me to supplement my whole food diet.
Made from whole foods and a slew of good for you supplements, the products are my go to in a pinch and for times like my New Year meal plan when I want support eating healthy.
The dose of Maca in the Whole Food Health Optimizer (more on Maca another day ...) really made a noticeable difference in my energy and mood. For more on Vega, click here: http://damn-ilookgood.blogspot.com/2009/11/vega.html
Vega is the only protein powder and the only "bar" product I've ever consumed and actually felt full afterwards. I attribute this to the wonderfully massive dose of fiber and the Vega EFA oil blend in both products.
I had never tried the Vibrancy Bars before. Described on the wrapper as "A Sumptuous celebration of plant-based super foods," they are not kidding! These are a vegan, raw, sprouted party of flavor and satisfaction.
Sequel Naturals sent me each flavor to try. With 200 calories, 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, the bars are very filling and extremely tasty. I only ate a half a bar at a time. The bars have a wonderful, hearty texture and a bright, "green" taste. You really feel like you are consuming a product that is good for you - not an imitation candy bar. Yet ,their subtle sweetness make you feel like you are having a treat. My favorite was actually the Wholesome Original flavor. But, if you are a chocolate lover, be sure to try to the Chocolate Decadence made with 70% dark chocolate. Or, if Green is your thing ... the Green Energy is infused with Vega's Green Food blend. These were "hella delish" as well.
These will definitely be my on my list for a convenient meal replacement or snack.
To purchase Sequel Naturals Vega Products click here:
(picture from: sequelnaturals.com)
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