It's the last day of January ... how are you faring on your resolution?
Remember to reach out for support to continue on your path!
Check this post for some inspiration:
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Week in Review Jan 25 to 29, 2010
Heavyweight utensils:
Green Soup Recipe:
Sonic Cleansing:
Look cool while you sweat:
Organic Acne Treatment:
Green Soup Recipe:
Sonic Cleansing:
Look cool while you sweat:
Organic Acne Treatment:
week in review
Friday, January 29, 2010
Juice Beauty Organic Blemish Clearing Serum

At the risk of TMI ... I must share this story with you, as I know the product I've found will affect millions of women every month.
I woke up four days ago with a monstrosity growing on my cheek, signaling me that my monthly visitor was about to arrive. This was no ordinary blemish. No ... this was a bright red, mountainous creature ready to burst forth from the very center of my face.
I panicked as I realized I was out of the prescription gel my dermatologist had given me samples of. While effective, this prescription also dried my face and left the area I spot treated with it flaky and delicate.
I rumbled through my drawer of samples and found a lone packet of Juice Beauty Blemish Clearing Serum. I tore it open and applied it directly to the offending spot. I did the same the next morning, and by that evening, the blemish had come to a head. One more application before going to bed ... and I awoke the next morning to see the blemish had not only deflated, but had retreated into a tiny, more flesh colored bump. I continued to spot treat with The Blemish Clearing Serum and VOILA ... gone. No scarring, no memory of the puss filled beast that threatened to ruin the landscape of my visage.
Finally, a product that actually works!! I am now a convert and can't wait to try more Juice Beauty Products. Especially because on top of efficacy, Juice Beauty products are ORGANIC!! Whattttt?? Good for my skin and the environment??
LOVES it!!
You can see the entire line and purchase products here:
Be sure to click on "web specials" for a code to get 15% off any treatment product through the end of January!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
YAS Yoga and Sportswear

I had such a great experience taking class at YAS in Venice, CA.
Being the retail junkie that I am, I purchased some of their killer workout wear to rock at the gym.
I am crazy about the skull bra top paired with the white baby doll tank. Super sexy and hip when worn layered together, the skulls poke out underneath the sheer, gauzy and luxuriously soft top.
The signature skull v-back tank and the roll down yoga pant are next on my "to purchase" list.
View and purchase all of YAS' yoga and sportswear here:
(pictures from
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Nutra Sonic

Curious about the sonic skin cleansing trend, I began investigating the available products for this method. Sonic cleansing is touted to cleanse skin deeper, allow for deeper penetration of serums and overall better skin health.
I actually purchased the Clarisonic and returned it unimpressed. I just didn't feel like it cleansed my skin any differently than without it.
Further probing led me to discover Nutraluxe MD, the creator of the Nutra Sonic Skin Cleansing System.
Nutraluxe very generously sent me a Nutra Sonic system to try. It included the brush, two facial cleansing heads, a body brush head, botanical skin cleanser and toner.
Upon my first use, I immediately noticed that the Nutra Sonic acutally felt more powerful than the Clarisonic. It operates at four separate speeds up to 400 times per second and also has a "jitter" mode. I also enjoy that it lacks a timer, allowing me to cleanse my skin for as long or brief a time as I see fit.
Whereas I felt the Clarisonic wasn't really doing anything, the Nutra Sonic makes my skin feel instantly cleaner, tighter and exfoliated. I also really enjoy the cleanser and toner that came with the kit. Gentle, pleasantly scented and packaged in sleek, sanitary pump dispensers - the products are botanical and Paraben Free.
The body brush head is a great addition for total body exfoliation; fabulous to use on the chest and back for acne prone skin and all over prior to using self tanner.
The Nutra Sonic Face Brush system is also a little easier on the wallet. Priced at $150 for the unit, two face brushes and body brush versus $195 - $225 for the Clarisonic Pro.
Dermatologists are shouting the praises of sonic cleansing all over the place, so why not give it a try? It actually adds a fun, new element to a boring cleansing routine.
The Nutra Sonic System can be purchased here:
(picture from:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Green Soup Recipe

Sometimes I feel like I need a super dose of healthy, clean, crisp greens in a concentrated form. That's when I make Green Soup.
This recipe was inspired by Gwenyth Paltrow's GOOP Newsletter Detox recipe for Broccoli and Arugula Soup. You can see the original recipe here:
I basically use every green veggie I can find at my local CoOp and make a huge batch, part of which I freeze.
Use whatever veggies you feel your body craves ... and enjoy!
Green Soup Recipe:
Fresh broccoli 1 - 2 1bs
2 bunches of Kale - I use dinosaur and curly red
arugula - about 1/2 pound
garlic - 4 to 6 cloves
onion - 1 yellow
olive oil - 2 tbsp
zuchini - 2 large
Filtered water
Organic vegetable boullion - 4 cubes
Pepper - to taste
In a large soup pot, heat olive oil. Add chopped onion and garlic and saute for a minute or two.
Add chopped carrots. Saute for 4 to 5 minutes.
Add Chopped zuchini. Saute for 2 to 3 minutes.
Add chopped broccoli - stems and all. Saute for 6 minutes covered.
Cover veggies with water. I like to add at least 3 inches above veggies.
Let come to boil.
Add Kale, bouillon and pepper.
Turn off burner and stir. Let sit for a minute or two.
Using a blender or Vitamix, laddle large chunks of veggies, broth, and some arugula.
Blend until smooth - but, I like it to still have texture.
Add this back into soup pot and stir.
Laddle more veggies, stock and arugula into blender and repeat process until you like the texture of your soup. I do not process all the chunky veggies. I like to have varying textures in my soup.
When desired product is reached, cover and let stand off the heat for 30 minutes.
Immediately freeze whatever portion you w.on't be eating in the first few days.
(photo from:
Monday, January 25, 2010
Knife and Fork Lift

This new product gives me hardcore LOL's ...
But, at the same time ... makes perfect sense.
As you can see from the photo above, The Knife and Fork Lift fuse a dumbbell with eating utensils.
According to the product's website, the heaviness and shape of the silverware, "reminds even fitness fanatics to exercise restraint at the dinner table. By lifting these heavy utensils, even a dumbbell gets the message that what you eat puts weight on."
I can see that utilizing this physical reminder of the consequences of gluttony would really get the message through and at the very least, assist in developing a toned upper body while consuming meals.
What an adorable gift for the nutrition conscious and fitness savvy individual or as a "diet christening" gift with a wink and a smile.
You can purchase The Knife and Fork Lift here:
(picture from:
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Oldie Sunday - Cod Liver Oil
Since I mentioned adding Cod Liver Oil to your smoothie this week, here is a reminder of all it's wonders:
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Week in Review Jan 18 to 22, 2010
Revolution Fitness Santa Monica, CA:
Lucy Spring 2010 Explore Collection:
Avatar Inspired Workout:
Morning Smoothie Recipe:
HCG Diet Controversy:
Lucy Spring 2010 Explore Collection:
Avatar Inspired Workout:
Morning Smoothie Recipe:
HCG Diet Controversy:
week in review
Friday, January 22, 2010
HCG Diet

I was reading one of my favorite blogs, and saw a post on something I wasn't aware of ... The HCG Diet.
Apparently, JWOWW from Jersey Shore's uses it to lose weight and sells it on her website ... hmmmmmmm ...
Read the post here:
So, I did a little detective work on what exactly this HCG diet is.
According to
HCG is a hormone found in pregnant women's urine and is actually one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is what pregnancy tests are based on.
HCG stands for "human chorionic gonadotropin" and is the hormone responsible for making sure a fetus gets the nutrition it needs regardless of the caloric intake of the mother.
It does this by releasing fat stores in the body.
Although JWOWW is selling homeopathic HCG drops on her website, traditionally the hormone is injected for a cycle of 26 to 43 days.
Dieters are instructed to consume only 500 calories of high protein, low carbohydrate foods. Allegedly, no hunger is felt at this extremely low caloric level due to the fat stores being released.
Um ... 500 calories?
My immediate reaction is that this is nothing more than a dangerous starvation, crash diet. I mean, consuming 500 calories a day - hungry or not - will lead to weight loss regardless of hormone supplementation.
Plus - the "G" in HCG stands for "gonadatropin" - meaning it causes genital development. I don't know about you, but I don't really want any further genital development ... that would be a scary price to pay for losing a little weight.
Additionally ... I'd be a little concerned with where exactly the HCG comes from that I was putting in my body.
Make your own judgement on this one ... but, HCG is one diet craze I'll be skipping.
(picture from:
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Morning Smoothie

Smoothies are a great way to infuse your morning with a ton of nutrition.
On mornings that I will be doing a vigorous bodyweight workout, I need to eat something, but solids take too long to digest.
I usually blend up a delicious smoothie chock full of protein from a non-powder source, greens from a concentrated green food powder, EFA's from Cod Liver Oil, fruit for carbs and fiber and a scoop of an amino acid pre-workout supplement.
Here is a general recipe to follow:
1/2 - 1 cup lowfat cottage cheese or greek yogurt
1 tbsp green food powder
1 tsp cod liver oil
1 scoop Scivation Xtend (or whatever pre-workout supplement you choose)
1/4 - 1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
Blend and drink immediately
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Avatar Inspired Workout

I am still in awe of the visual spectacle and emotional story of Avatar.
The movie inspired me to write a workout based on the indigenous Na'vi people of the film's planet Pandora.
The idea came when Jake Sully described how his feet were getting stronger each day ... presumably from walking, running, jumping barefoot through the Pandora Forrest.
The workout is based on everyday tasks and survival movements necessary to move like an "avatar."
This workout should be done barefoot.
You may perform each exercise separately - all sets and reps and then move on to the next exercise, or you may perform all of the exercises as a circuit - one after the other. I recommend learning the exercises using the set method and then advancing to the circuit.
Pictures and video coming soon!!
Warm Up:
Honoring Eywa
Sit Cross legged with hands resting comfortably on thighs.
Move torso clockwise in a circular motion starting with small circles and increasing to large, deep circles. Do ten reps. Repeat ten reps counter clock wise.
Cardio interval 1:
Forward and backward shuffling on the forrest vines
Lay a jump rope on the floor in a straight line vertically, or follow a straight, vertical pattern on your floor or outside. Place right foot in front of left and shuffle forwards down the line, leading with right foot the whole time. Repeat for 30 seconds to 1 min. Recover and repeat with left foot leading.
Build to 3 sets if you wish.
Strength 1:
Pull the Bow
Using a resistance band take an archer's stance - right leg forward, left leg back, right arm extended long and left hand will draw the bow. Begin with resistance band slacking, both hands holding band in front of jaw. Slowly and with control, draw in your core (just like Neytiri tells Jake) and pull your left hand back. Repeat 10 to 20 reps. Repeat with left leg forward, right leg back - pulling band back with right hand. May build to 3 sets.
Cardio 2:
Side shuffle on the tree limbs
Lay your jump rope horizontally on the floor, or follow horizontal lines on your floor or on the ground. Face sideways so that your right foot leads. Shuffle sideways with knees softly bent back and forth following your straight line bringing left foot to right foot for 30 sec to one min. Turn around and lead with the left foot for 30 sec to one min. May do up to 3 sets.
Strength 2:
Flying on the Ikran squats
Stand with your feet much wider than hip width, with toes turned out slightly. Extend arms straight out in front of you as if you are going to grasp reigns to steer your Ikran bird.
Inhale and slowly lower hips to ground to "sit on Ikran bird."
Exhale and rise up.
Repeat 20 times for 3 sets.
Cardio 3:
Leaping on the vines and tree limbs
Set your jumprope vertically first. Alternate leaping forwards and backwards down the line with right foot leading and then the left foot leading for one minute.
Recover and then set your jumprope horizontal.
Leap sideways back and forth leading with the right foot for 30 seconds and then repeat with left foot leading for 30 seconds.
One set forwards/back and one set sideways each way equals one REP. May repeat for 3 reps.
Strength 3:
Hunting Crawl
Start in push up position with feet and hands wide. Simultaneously bring left hand forward and right foot up to right hand. Then bring right hand forward and left foot up to left hand. Remain as low and flat as possible, working flexibility and strength. Work up to one minute then rest and repeat two more times. Vary your speed, depth and length of each crawl for each set.
Ambitious folks may add a staggered push up after each stride.
Cool Down/Stretch:
Ikran squat
Stand with feet wider than hips with toes slightly turned out.
Lower hips toward ground with arms inside legs. Press elbows onto inside of thigh. You may do this against a wall to go deeper.
Hold for 30 sec to one minute and repeat up to three times.
Honoring Eywa:
Sit cross legged with hands resting on thighs as in warm up.
Start with big counter clockwise rotations with the torso, moving into smaller motions. Repeat large clockwise rotations, moving into stillness.
Sit quietly for 5 minutes taking time to honor the work you just did!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Lucy Explore Spring 2010

My eyes have been treated to a preview of Lucy's Explore Spring 2010 collection!!
Filled with juicy, bright colors paired with outdoorsy neutrals the Explore collection will inspire you to get out on the trails!
Body conscious and non-wrinkling, the looks are perfect to pack for an adventure.
The Vista Pant to Crop is my pick to add to your Spring wardrobe. The pants can be worn long for a casual exploit to the mall or as a sporty crop for more agressive paths.
Be sure to check for new arrivals this week!
(picture from:
Monday, January 18, 2010
Revolution Fitness Santa Monica, CA

My trip to Los Angeles ended with lots of sweat, plenty of burn and enough residual soreness to "fix" this workout junkie.
I made my way to beautiful Montana Ave in Santa Monica, California on a perfect, sunny Saturday for two fitness classes at Revolution Fitness.
Found free parking (who knew that still existed in LA?) and walked around the corner to the studio, tucked away in a quaint courtyard.
Greeted by Danielle, a truly adorable nutrition student - all my questions were thoroughly answered with enthusiasm and a smile.
First up was a 9a Spin class with Joseph. As the 8am class finished, I peered into the huge, sweaty studio lined with fogged up mirrors to watch the 50 riders exit the class. Yes - 50 riders. The place was packed with people wanting to breathe heavy and get sweaty. My kind of place.
i got situated on my bike and was checked by an assistant to make sure I ok for my first class there - very classy.
The other 49 riders and Joseph poured in and before you knew it, the sound of pedals cranking and beats blasting filled the space.
Joseph proceeded to give an inspirational ride full of climbs and sprints set to a wonderful mix of club tunes. Joseph's style was an articulate, obviously seasoned combo of physical coaching and spiritual awareness. Mind body on the bike, baby!
Thoroughly drenched, I made my way to my second class - CoreBarre with Dana. Situated in a tiny corner studio, 10 lovely ladies were squeezed in ready to lengthen, strengthen and stretch.
Dana was not only amazingly competent, knowledgeable and tough, but posses a physiqe worth striving for. Tiny, lithe, sinewy and lean, she instructed and demonstrated the grueling workout with poise, expertise and contageous enthusiasm.
Revolution Fitness does boutique fitness totally right. No nonsense, classic workouts taught by competent, inpsiring teachers.
They also offer TRX and Indorow classes.
Check their schedule here: and get one of the best fitness experiences out there.
(picture from
Los Angeles,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Oldie Sunday - Portion Control Reminder
We're three weeks in to the New Year ... how is your resolution doing?
If losing weight was on your agenda, here is a reminder from Victoria Beckham on how to control portion sizes:
If losing weight was on your agenda, here is a reminder from Victoria Beckham on how to control portion sizes:
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Week in Review Jan 11 to 15, 2010
Whole food, vegan, raw snack bars:
Relief for fitness battered bodies:
Longer, thicker lashes that won't smudge:
Couture fitness wear:
Crank and pose your way to fitness:
Relief for fitness battered bodies:
Longer, thicker lashes that won't smudge:
Couture fitness wear:
Crank and pose your way to fitness:
week in review
Friday, January 15, 2010
YAS Venice, CA

Fitness fiends - I have found mecca.
I was so extremely lucky to be able to take two classes this morning at YAS (Yoga and Spin) in Venice, CA.
Located on the very hip, Abbot Kinney Blvd, YAS is a concept, boutique fitness studio created by Kimberly Fowler.
Clean and modern, decked out in grey, lime green and white, the studio feels exclusive and yet is extremely inviting.
I was greeted by Mindi, working the front desk who was friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. She even made stylish recommendations for combining pieces of the YAS workout wear line. All of which - I purchased. I will be sporting my skull sports bra and white YAS baby doll tank proudly!
Spin class was first ... taught by the regal, strong and confident Julie. Her instruction was precise, motivating and provided a great ride. Her self made music mix was inspiring and creative. I complemented her on her class and music after the ride, to which she responded by giving me her CD!! I was absolutely taken by her generosity ... very cool.
Next was Yoga for Athletes, taught by the lovely Gina. The YAS yoga studio has deep, richly pigmented floors, raw brick walls and stenciled, tinted windows of Kimberly in yoga poses. Gina's class flowed beautifully through a lovely sequence that first focused on standing poses, then balance, back bends, flexibility and inversions. Gina spoke in a perfect tone, with grace and presence. She played mostly mellow, classic rock that made the class fly by.
Needless to say, I could have stayed and taken classes all day. YAS is a studio full of good mojo. No pretentious, exclusive attitudes here! Just beautiful, fit, positive people.
Find out more and purchase Kimberly Fowler's DVD's to experience YAS at home here:
(picture from:
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Rogiani Couture Fitness

I challenge you to not want to add EVERY piece of workout clothing on to your fitness wardrobe.
Elizabetta Rogiani Couture Fitness workout wear focuses on "quality, durability and femininity" (from and is featured on fitness magazine covers and editorials.
I especially love the new transformable skirt leggings which can be worn running errands, up in da club or in the gym.
You can puruse and salivate here:
(picture from
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

As a glamazon who works in an environment that is consistently sweaty, causing undesirable interruptions in carefully executed make up, I am completely infatuated with Fiberwig mascara.
The biggest plus this formulation offers is smudge proof wear, even through an hour long spin class.
Here is how it works according to, "Fiberwig coats each individual lash with a light film of fibers. Your lashes become film-coated lashes. Fiberwig's light film coating defines and separates each lash while creating a fresh and natural gloss finish. Thanks to the film-coated lashes, Fiberwig will not smear nor smudge when you tear or sweat."
You are probabably wondering how you remove this lash shelac ... unbeliebably, it is removable with warm water. Here is how THAT works ... according to, "Fiberwig absorbs the warm water and then swells, making it easy to slide off your lashes. When washing your face, simply wet your lashes with warm water. Then gently slide off the fibers with your finger and thumb."
Thick, long lashes that don't smear and are a snap to to take off!! How can it get better?
To buy Fiberwig in a special kit that comes with their Tiny Sniper mascara , click here:
(picture from
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
MSM Sulfur

Jumping, stretching, twisting, turning, squatting ...
Yoga, running, plyometrics, cycling and more yoga ...
All very good for the body ... but, sometimes even the best intentions and safe practices can you leave your muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments worse for wear.
I recommend you increase your chances of preserving the integrity of your structure by supplementing with MSM Sulfur, preferably in powder form.
According to, where I purchase the Jarrow Formulas MSM Sulfur powder I use, "Jarrow FORMULAS® MSM Sulfur™ is an organic source of bioavailable sulfur, an antioxidant mineral found in major structural molecules of the body such as cartilage. The sulfur from MSM is used to produce glycosaminoglycans (or mucopolysaccharides) such as chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid. These sulfur containing glycosaminoglycans are found in high concentrations in connective tissue, including joint cartilage, skin and collagen."
Mega bonus of taking MSM ... better, stronger, more elastic skin! YAY!
MSM is a great vegetable based alternative for those who don't want to ingest shark cartilage for joint support.
The dosage is one scoop once to twice a day.
I add MSM powder to a packet of EmergenC Lite every morning upon waking.
You can also add it to juice, water and smoothies for an odorless, colorless, tasteless addition.
You can purchase MSM here:
(picture from:
Monday, January 11, 2010
Vega Vibrancy Bars - Cleanse result

Finished my ten day Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer and Vibrancy Bar meal plan. To see what I ate, click here:
I feel great! As a bonus, I lost one percent body fat, dropped one pound and reduced my waist by 3/4 of an inch. See pics and stats here:
I am a huge proponent of eating whole foods, but sometimes life gets hectic and we need convenience foods to make good nutrition possible.
Vega products are more than that compromise for me to supplement my whole food diet.
Made from whole foods and a slew of good for you supplements, the products are my go to in a pinch and for times like my New Year meal plan when I want support eating healthy.
The dose of Maca in the Whole Food Health Optimizer (more on Maca another day ...) really made a noticeable difference in my energy and mood. For more on Vega, click here:
Vega is the only protein powder and the only "bar" product I've ever consumed and actually felt full afterwards. I attribute this to the wonderfully massive dose of fiber and the Vega EFA oil blend in both products.
I had never tried the Vibrancy Bars before. Described on the wrapper as "A Sumptuous celebration of plant-based super foods," they are not kidding! These are a vegan, raw, sprouted party of flavor and satisfaction.
Sequel Naturals sent me each flavor to try. With 200 calories, 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, the bars are very filling and extremely tasty. I only ate a half a bar at a time. The bars have a wonderful, hearty texture and a bright, "green" taste. You really feel like you are consuming a product that is good for you - not an imitation candy bar. Yet ,their subtle sweetness make you feel like you are having a treat. My favorite was actually the Wholesome Original flavor. But, if you are a chocolate lover, be sure to try to the Chocolate Decadence made with 70% dark chocolate. Or, if Green is your thing ... the Green Energy is infused with Vega's Green Food blend. These were "hella delish" as well.
These will definitely be my on my list for a convenient meal replacement or snack.
To purchase Sequel Naturals Vega Products click here:
(picture from:
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Oldie Sunday - Resolution Reminder
We're a week into the New Year ...
Just a reminder to ask for support from your loved ones and friends in achieving your goals:
Just a reminder to ask for support from your loved ones and friends in achieving your goals:
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Week in Review Jan 4 to 8, 2010
Gazing into the crystal ball of 2010 trend:
Challenge your upper body with the pike push up:
Atomic Probiotic Tuna Salad Recipe:
Trade your used DVD's:
Sidlab makes a beachin' salt water spray:
Challenge your upper body with the pike push up:
Atomic Probiotic Tuna Salad Recipe:
Trade your used DVD's:
Sidlab makes a beachin' salt water spray:
week in review
Friday, January 8, 2010
Sidlab Pacifica Salt Water Spray

Snowstorms are showing no mercy and sub zero temperatures are prevailing in much of the country, but that doesn't mean everyone can't have sexy, beachy hair all year long.
Sidlab Pacifica Salt Water Spray lets you replicate that "I spent all day laying on the beach reading magazines" look, easily.
I had dreadlocks for eight years. I got pretty used to a no maintenance "do."
Since I chopped them off and had to deal with my hair texture, only one product has come close to making my hair "wash and wear."
Sidlab Pacifica Salt Water Spray is my go to for sexy, beachy, piecy style. You can spritz it on both wet and dry hair to get an instantly easy, laid back, super cool look. The resulting texture is soft, wavy and never crunchy.
The REALLY cool thing about Pacifica - is the company it is made by - Sidlab. Sidlab uses no parabens or sodium laureth sulfate in ANY of their products. The line is green, conscious, cutting edge, effective and most importantly fashion forward.
Check out for more info and to purchase online go to:
(picture from:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Swap A DVD
Ever bought a DVD and never watched it again?
Or purchased a work out DVD that you've tried once and has since never left the darkness of your dresser drawer? has come up with a solution.
Why let DVD's sit around when you can swap them for others ... for FREE!! Well, almost for free. You do have to pay to ship the DVD to another member who requests it, but when you request a DVD from another member they pay to ship it to you. (About two bucks) That's fair to me!
Upon creating an account and posting your first ten DVD's to swap you get one credit. You need credits to request DVD's. For every DVD you send to another member, you also get one credit. The barter system at work!
I have sent five DVD's to other members so far and just requested my first two. Both fitness DVD's of course!
Please give this website a try. The more people who join and list their DVD's, the more selection we will all have to trade within.
Log on to to start your account today!
Or purchased a work out DVD that you've tried once and has since never left the darkness of your dresser drawer? has come up with a solution.
Why let DVD's sit around when you can swap them for others ... for FREE!! Well, almost for free. You do have to pay to ship the DVD to another member who requests it, but when you request a DVD from another member they pay to ship it to you. (About two bucks) That's fair to me!
Upon creating an account and posting your first ten DVD's to swap you get one credit. You need credits to request DVD's. For every DVD you send to another member, you also get one credit. The barter system at work!
I have sent five DVD's to other members so far and just requested my first two. Both fitness DVD's of course!
Please give this website a try. The more people who join and list their DVD's, the more selection we will all have to trade within.
Log on to to start your account today!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Atomic Probiotic Tuna Salad
Polar Chunk Light Tuna in Water, 6-Ounce Cans (Pack of 48)

Convenient, low fat, high protein and yummalicious ... Tuna tops my list of stellar foods to incorporate into your diet.
Now, I drool over a traditional, mayo laden tuna salad like anyone. I mean, lets be honest here, mayo makes anything delish. But, the consequences of downing a fishy fat bomb can be disastrous for your diet plan.
I have tinkered forever on creating a healthier alternative to the classic tuna salad and yesterday I stumbled upon genius. I used full fat Greek Yogurt to add a creamy tang. Finally, a tuna salad that tastes indulgent ... but, with an extra kick of protein and probiotic content from the yogurt.
Try the base recipe and mix in my suggested add ins or whatever floats your (sustainable tuna fishing) boat.
Atomic Probiotic Tuna Salad
1 - can albacore tuna
1 - can light tuna
2 - 3 tbsp FULL FAT Greek Yogurt (I use Trader Joe's brand)
1 - 2 tbsp Yellow or Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp celery seed
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder
Mix all ingredients together.
Add these mix ins for variety:
Garden Veggie - finely, chopped celery, onions, cucumbers and carrots
Fruity Feta - chopped apples, sliced red grapes and feta crumbles
Deli favorite - pickle relish, chopped celery, onion
Protein King - chopped hard boiled eggs, chopped red onion, chopped celery
Serve on top of a beautiful green salad, dressed with red wine vinegar and avocado. Add a side of GG Crackers for a fiber punch!
(picture from:

Convenient, low fat, high protein and yummalicious ... Tuna tops my list of stellar foods to incorporate into your diet.
Now, I drool over a traditional, mayo laden tuna salad like anyone. I mean, lets be honest here, mayo makes anything delish. But, the consequences of downing a fishy fat bomb can be disastrous for your diet plan.
I have tinkered forever on creating a healthier alternative to the classic tuna salad and yesterday I stumbled upon genius. I used full fat Greek Yogurt to add a creamy tang. Finally, a tuna salad that tastes indulgent ... but, with an extra kick of protein and probiotic content from the yogurt.
Try the base recipe and mix in my suggested add ins or whatever floats your (sustainable tuna fishing) boat.
Atomic Probiotic Tuna Salad
1 - can albacore tuna
1 - can light tuna
2 - 3 tbsp FULL FAT Greek Yogurt (I use Trader Joe's brand)
1 - 2 tbsp Yellow or Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp celery seed
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder
Mix all ingredients together.
Add these mix ins for variety:
Garden Veggie - finely, chopped celery, onions, cucumbers and carrots
Fruity Feta - chopped apples, sliced red grapes and feta crumbles
Deli favorite - pickle relish, chopped celery, onion
Protein King - chopped hard boiled eggs, chopped red onion, chopped celery
Serve on top of a beautiful green salad, dressed with red wine vinegar and avocado. Add a side of GG Crackers for a fiber punch!
(picture from:
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Pike Push Up

I told you yesterday that I predict a huge surge in body weight workouts in 2010. They are quick, efficient and require no equipment. You can do body weight exercise anywhere, anytime. Plus, if you can't hoist your own body weight, why lift an extraneous load like a dumbbell!!?
The pike push up is a great variation on the traditional, plank style version.
For this alternative, start out in downward dog. The wider you place your feet, the more stable your base, and therefore the easier the level.
Spread your fingers wide, press your entire hand, palm and fingers into the floor.
You may turn your hands out (externally rotate at the shoulder) to protect your shoulders if you wish. Play with hand position variation.
Keep your sit bones pointed up toward the ceiling, navel pulled into your spine and keep your body weight centered over your shoulders. The more you position your weight over your shoulders, the harder the exercise will be.
Bending from the elbow on an inhale, lower your body toward the floor. With an exhale, push your elbows straight back to the start position.
Start with 3 - 5 reps and build to 15 - 20 reps for one to three sets.
Be sure to stretch the shoulders, triceps and chest after performing this exercise.
bodyweight exercise,
no equipment,
Monday, January 4, 2010
Trend Prediction for 2010

Beauty - The nude lip in both glossy and matte finshes will make a come back in reaction to the bright pink pouts of 2009.
AND... several less expensive versions of the "Clarisonic" sonic face brush will come out and will revolutionize the way we cleanse our skin.
Fashion - A return to classic lines and looks of the 50's and 60's. Leggings will hold on, but paired with soft fitted sweaters and button down shirts a la Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. The fitted, belted dress will be a wardrobe must.
Fitness - Shorter, tougher, extreme work outs featuring body weight training.
Nutrition - The whole, unprocessed food movement will continue to grow. Responsible, sustainable food will take precedence. Look for added fiber in everything. Eating LESS ... not just eating a certain type of food will be stressed as the key to health and losing weight.
(photo from:
trend prediction
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Oldie Sunday - Treadmill Workout
Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill
Here is a 20 minute, multidirectional treadmill workout that will incinerate holiday calories and get 2010 off to an invigorating start:
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Week in Review 12/28/09-01/01/10
My recipe for veggie soup:
Damn Robert Downey, Jr looks good:
Keep skin hydrated with Christina Cosmetics Aromatherapy Mineral Mist:
Make resolutions work with a little help from some friends:
New Year's 10 day Diet Plan:
Damn Robert Downey, Jr looks good:
Keep skin hydrated with Christina Cosmetics Aromatherapy Mineral Mist:
Make resolutions work with a little help from some friends:
New Year's 10 day Diet Plan:
week in review
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year Diet Plan

Gonna do a little diet overhaul the next 10 days inspired by Sequel Natural Vega products. Sequel Naturals generous enough to send me samples of their new Whole Food Vibrance bars. Accoring to,
"The newest addition to the award-winning Vega product line, Vega Whole Food Vibrancy Bars are a unique and utterly delicious blend of all-natural, raw, organic, and enzymatically-active plant-based superfoods including sprouted buckwheat, sprouted almonds, acai, Salba and hemp seeds. (See full list of ingredients)
Unlike any other bar on the market, Vibrance bars maintain a taste of guilty pleasure while also being vegan, gluten-free, sprouted, alkaline-forming, and rich in Omega 3, antioxidants and phytonutrients!"
I am going to use the bars in conjunction with Vega Shakes and a clean diet of whole, unprocessed foods to start 2010 out on a nutritional bonanza.
You can purchase Vega products from:
Or at Whole Foods
I will document my meals and work outs for you each day - as well as my starting and ending stats with pictures. I will post my journal at the end of the 10 days on this blog. In the meantime, for daily updates, check
Here is the plan:
AM: Coffee and
Before workout 1/2 Vibrance bar
AM: After workout 1 Vega Shake plus a banana if hungry
AM: Snack 1/2 Vibrance bar
Lunch: serving of lean protein and veggies plus 1/2 cup of a whole grain or 2 GG Crackers
Snack: apple (or other fruit) and serving of almonds, walnuts or cashews
Dinner: lean protein and veggies plus 2 GG Crackers if hungry
In addition - I take a multi vitamin, 1 tsp cod liver oil, up to 3 grams of MSM, a packet of EmergenC and 4500 - 9000 mg glutamine each day.
Join me and let me know WHAT you are doing to get your body looking damn good in the New Year!
(picture from:
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